New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
Modern British Politics, Parties And Pressure Groups In The Collective Age 
Edition: 3 
Year: 1982 
ISBN: 0393009521 
ISBN 13: 9780393009521 
Strangers Within the Realm: Cultural Margins of the First British Empire (Published by the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and the University of North Carolina Press) 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 1991 
ISBN: 0807819522 
ISBN 13: 9780807819524 
The Origins of American Politics 
Year: 1965 
The Apologia of Robert Keayne 
Year: 1965 
Whiskey Rebels: The Story of a Frontier Uprising 
Edition: Revised 
Year: 1968 
ISBN: 0822951517 
ISBN 13: 9780822951513 
New England's Generation: The Great Migration and the Formation of Society and Culture in the Seventeenth Century 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1991 
ISBN: 0521405068 
ISBN 13: 9780521405065 
Women and the U.S. Constitution: 1776-1920 (New Essays on American Constitutional History) 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2009 
ISBN: 0872291634 
ISBN 13: 9780872291638 
Evolution of the Southern Back Country: A Case Study of Lunenburg County, Virginia, 1746-1832 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 1984 
ISBN: 0812279263 
ISBN 13: 9780812279269 
Philadelphia Gentlemen: The Making of a National Upper Class 
Year: 1958 
The Protestant Establishment: Aristocracy and Caste in America 
Year: 1964